Monthly Archives: January 2022

Dr. Engel Joined “Great Day Washington” – Discusses Erectile Dysfunction (ED) 

Dr. Engel joined “Great Day Washington” on WUSA 9 to discuss erectile dysfunction (ED) and treatment options including inflatable penile prostheses. Dr. Engel told viewers about the distinction between ED caused by prostate cancer surgery and radiation, for which medication is relatively ineffective; and ED caused by other problems and/or aging. For patients recovering from prostate surgery or radiation, an inflatable penile prosthesis is often an excellent option, allowing them to have natural, relatively spontaneous erections using a device that is completely hidden within the anatomy. 

Urology Urgent Care

Urologic Urgent Care

Every patient that would otherwise have gone to a generic urgent care for their urologic can now be seen at a specialist-level urologic urgent care with same-day appointments.

Online Appointments Learn More
ED Medications

Discreet & Convenient ED Medication Online

Take advantage of exceptional prices on generic ED medication while avoiding the pharmacy and anonymous websites. Available for same-day pick-up.

(202) 223-1024 Learn More